July 20, 2008

Supplemental Journey

Bodybuilding supplements always had a bad rep, especially with all the advertisements strewn across the typical muscle magazine with big roid-heads promoting it. People assume that these supplements are equivalent to steroids, or give excuses that it isn't natural or will make you look like Arnold! I don't blame them, with the way bodybuilding and the gym was previously portrayed, people will tend to err on the cautious side.

Well supplements aren't as bad as it seems, and when you actually get down to the science behind it, it actually is incredibly beneficial to your training and recovery efforts. Yeah its true that a lot of the research done to prove the efficacy of these supplements are performed by the same companies whom produce them, but of course you would personally want to perform your own due diligence and ensure its legitimacy. Personal advice is to avoid all the products with bullshit advertising, and to just look out for hard facts and legitimate brands with a proven track record.

Here are some of the typical supplements I use regularly and have yet to disappoint me:

  1. Creatine. Use of it is widespread and proven to increase your workout volume. Naturally found in beef, and used by the body in the form of Creatine Phosphate to generate energy for ATP formation.

  2. Omega 3 (Fish) and Flaxseed Oil. Classified as essential fats that increase your HDL count, and sufficient fat in diet is required to maintain a healthy testosterone level. Also known to help reduce post workout inflammation for quicker recovery.

  3. Beta-Alanine. Research has proven it to be useful for increasing training volume by reducing effect of lactic acid buildup in the body. Literature has looked into combination of Creatine + Beta Alanine, and initial results has shown greater workout volume, increased muscle mass and fat loss in research participants.

  4. ZMA. Combination of Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6. Healthy Zinc levels in body help maintain testosterone and IGF-1 levels for anabolic muscle growth. Magnesium helps give people a deeper sleep at night.

  5. BCAA. Branched Chain Amino Acids contain amino acids like Leucine which are building blocks for muscle fibers in the body.

  6. Multi-Vitamins. Ensures that all nutrient and vitamin daily requirements are satisfied.

  7. Whey Protein (Isolate). Perfect for post- or pre-workout consumption when high protein meal isn't easily available. Easy absorption into body and prevents body from breaking own muscles for energy. Preferably coupled with fast acting carbs like dextrose/maltodextrin which spike insulin levels and increase amino acid uptake by the body.


Anonymous said...

Excellent coverage on dietary intake before and after exercise. Full complete information about muscle growth and expansion. Excellent piece of information. Very useful.

Gym goers like myself for past 12 years have seen these information from catalog's and reading material picked up from retail outlets. Probably it will be complete to look into joint and bone nutrients to complete the whole body important daily supplements including anti-stress information as well.

Keep up the good work.

Anthony Santrom 21st July 2008 time 11:44am (number one fan of fitness engineering)

Anonymous said...

I agree that these are great supplements that just about everyone could find benefit from. I'd add Glutamine to the list as well.