March 28, 2008

Athletic Mannequins

One of my favourite quotes I found in Robert Dos Remedios's book on power training would be by a famous bodybuilder Milos Sarcev who said that "We are not athletes, only athletic mannequins."

Traditional weight training that people tend to follow would be body-part training performed by bodybuilders e.g. separating a workout into chest, biceps, back, legs, etc., and basically focuses on training the mirror muscles (muscles that you can see in the mirror). This sort of training neglects any importance on the posterior chain of muscles e.g. lower back, glutes, and hamstrings, which will eventually lead to muscular imbalances and create an injury time bomb.

Body-part training trains each different mirror muscle in an isolated manner, for instance, bicep curls for biceps and triceps extension for triceps. But once you sit down and think about it logically, why on god-given Earth would we train each body part separately WHEN each muscle in our sexy body was designed to work in unison to perform daily tasks and activities!?!? Although this method does strengthen and induce muscular hypertrophy, it could possibly weaken the muscle when performing functional movements e.g. throwing and jumping, which effectively use various muscles in unison.

Bodybuilders usually train for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons, emulating the traditional Greek god statues (except for the length of the schlong). But they don't train for functional purposes like athletes, whom usually have uncanny flexibility as well as strength. Yeah we all wanna look buff and close to godliness, but at least we should do so without compromising our body's natural functional ability nor flexibility.

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